Thursday, October 21, 2010

New & Improved !

Scriptures Against Abuse

April (not real name) was a devout Christian.  She loved God with all her heart.  She worked hard not only in her home but also in her job as an executive secretary.  April had made a terrible mistake to marry Henry but she felt her faith required her to suffer, in pain, alone, forgotten.  Why would a loving God demand her to spend the rest of her life paying for this mistake?  Another tear dripped down her face.  It seemed to her that if she chose to save her identity she would lose her faith.  But if she chose to save her faith, she might lose her life.

Sound familiar?  Many Christian marriages, plagued with some form of abuse have become private dungeons where inhabitants lose faith not only in God but in most other areas of their lives. 

What is the truth?  Do scriptures like Ephesians 5:26 or Malachi 3:7 demand that the Christian stay in abusive marriages? 

Scriptures Against Abuse is a full circle lesson that will give you scriptures and theology to help you make an informed Godly decision about your marriage.  Because of a lively discussion (after this booklet was released) with several readers who have experienced abuse this booklet has been updated from 20 pages to 24.  This booklet is packed with discussions on Abuse, self-esteem and the purpose of marriage. 

You will receive this booklet on CD and as well as the right to print 500 copies that can be used for Sunday School, church or small groups.  The CD also includes a study guide packed with another 14 pages of discussions and scriptures.

For the small price of $6.95 you will receive 38 pages of information that will shed new light on the abuse issue. 

If you have a friend who is hurting but is afraid that leaving the abuse may be need to purchase this booklet today!  Although marriage is discussed in detail in this booklet, other forms of abuse are applied to these scriptures.  Abuse is not tolerated in God's word, regardless of the form.  God's love lived out in the daily lives of the family does not include abuse in any form or to any individual.  Scriptures against abuse proves it!

Order yours today for just $6.95 plus shipping!